Rules For Passengers Riding School Bus
As White Salmon Valley School Bus Drivers, our primary goal is to transport students safely to and from school. The following school board approved rules and regulations are prepared in accordance with WAC 392-145-016 and are in place to ensure safety for all passengers. Riding the school bus is a privilege. Misconduct on a bus will be sufficient reason to discontinue providing bus transportation to students involved.
The driver is in full charge of the bus and passengers. Passengers must obey the driver promptly and willingly.
Students shall ride their regularly assigned bus to their assigned bus stop unless permission has been granted by the school authorities.
Outside of ordinary conversation, classroom conduct must be observed. All passengers will:
Sit properly in their seats
Refrain from throwing objects
Keep their hands to themselves
Be courteous and not use profane/vulgar language/gestures
Share seat willingly
The bus driver is authorized to assign seats
No passenger shall sit in the driver's seat
Students must not damage, deface, or vandalize school buses. Parents of students damaging school buses will be held responsible and will reimburse the district for the cost of the damage.
No headphones or external speakers are to be played
Passengers shall not light matches/lighters, use tobacco, nicotine products, or delivery devices (ie: vape pens, e-cigarettes, etc.). No alcohol and/or drugs are allowed
No student shall at any time extend any object or part of their body out the window. Students must not throw objects/trash out the windows
Students should arrive at the bus stop 5 minutes before the buses scheduled arrival time
Students shall not abuse or cause damage to private or public property or fellow students while at school bus stops
While loading, students are to remain in a safe location, 10 feet back of road edge in full view of the driver, until signaled by the driver to approach the bus
Students must not have anything in their possession which may cause injury or distraction to others including but not limited to:
Animals (except service animals)
Skateboards/scooters unless fully enclosed in a bag
Each student must see that his/her belongings are kept under their personal control and out of the aisle and/or off of the back shelf
Students will keep the bus clean. No eating or drinking allowed except water. Students will throw trash in the garbage
Students must leave the bus in an orderly manner. Students must cross in front of the bus, never behind the bus, and must not cross the roadway until given consent by the driver. Students are to remain in full view of the driver at all times
Students are not to run errands between the bus stop and home
Passengers are to remain completely silent while approaching, during, and while departing rail road crossings
In the event of an actual emergency, passengers must follow emergency exit procedure as established by the Emergency Exit Drills