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Mental Health & Wellness Newsletter 

Brought to you by our WSVSD student support team
We know that this time can be challenging and that people of all ages are experiencing higher than usual levels of stress.  We are here and available to support you!!

Jenny Hallead: High School Counselor  
jenny.hallead@whitesalmonschools.org available via email every day! 

Rita Pinchot: Prevention & Intervention Specialist     
rita.pinchot@whitesalmonschools.org; call or text (360) 524-4347
Virtual Office Hours: Tuesday 12:30 - 1:30pm 
Wednesday 1:00 - 2:00pm or Thursday 6:00 - 7:00pm 

Michael Kane: Prevention & Intervention Specialist 
michael.kane@whitesalmonschools.org (509) 590-0725 

Julie O’Donnell: Prevention & Intervention Specialist  
julie.odonnell@whitesalmonschools.org or call (971) 404-6504 

We are available to support ALL our families; however, we may need help translating information.  We have great staff at each building to help us connect with Spanish speaking students and families.

Whitson - Leo Ortega 541-980-0379 or leo.ortega@whitesalmonschools.org 

WPSIS - Martha Battle 5097748018 or martha.battle@whitesalmonschools.org 

Henkle Middle School- Chris Cazares: (509) 281-0139 or christopher.cazares@whitesalmonschools.org
Columbia High School - Jose Maya jose.maya@whitesalmonschools.org

 Mental Health and Wellness Flyer