Superintendent Fall Reopening Update
about 4 years ago, Rhonda Hardisty
3 Things You Need to Know About Reopening Schools this fall 3 cosas que debes saber sobre la reapertura de las escuelas este otoño The WSVSD Reopening Schools Task Force needs your feedback to help meet the needs of our diverse community. El Equipo de Fuerza de Tareas para la Reapertura de Escuelas de WSVSD necesita sus comentarios para ayudar a satisfacer las necesidades de nuestra comunidad. diversa.
about 4 years ago, Rhonda Hardisty
June 26, 2020 The district would like to provide an update for our district families concerning the reopening of our schools in the fall. After receiving reopening guidance from the state, the district sent out a family survey last Friday to gather input about reopening schools. Our district Task Force Committee has held several pre-planning meetings and is in the process of organizing workgroups to look at topics of concern and models for reopening our schools. The district will finalize the list of workgroups on Monday and share that list with our families. If you would like to be part of a workgroup, please email your building principal or myself. We will continue to provide updates as we move forward. Thank you, Dr. Jerry Lewis, Superintendent
about 4 years ago, Rhonda Hardisty
Mental Health and Wellness Summer Supports
about 4 years ago, Rhonda Hardisty
Supt. Reykdal answers questions from the public about going back to school in the fall.
about 4 years ago, Rhonda Hardisty
Get help buying groceries while schools are closed. For more information click here: Obtenga ayuda para comprar alimentos mientras las escuelas estan cerradas. Para mas informacion clic aqui:
about 4 years ago, Kristyn Bryan
Pandemic EBT picture
Pandemic EBT picture
Good-Bye Celebration
about 4 years ago, Rhonda Hardisty
You are invited to a Zoom webinar. When: Jun 9, 2020 07:00 PM Topic: Columbia High School Scholarship Night Please click the link below to join the webinar:… Password: 973042
over 4 years ago, Rhonda Hardisty