Family Update

April 2, 2021

Family Update

The school board met last night to approve increasing our district in-person learning time. We
are making this change because of the recent social distancing requirements released by the
CDC and adopted by the state. Students are now allowed to have 3 feet of social distancing in
the classroom. All other safety measures remain in effect. Students in cohorts A and B will now
be combined for in-person learning.

District In-Person Schedule Starting Monday, April 26

  • In-person learning for all students Monday through Thursday, 8:15 to 12:30
  • Friday continues to be a remote learning day
  • Students will be provided self-directed learning in the afternoons
  • Students remaining fully online will be supported Monday - Friday

Our goal is to keep this schedule until the end of the school year. Unless there is a significant
change in our case counts that would dictate a change from our local county health

We thank you for helping us navigate this transition. Safety will continue to be at the forefront
of our decision making for students and staff. We will continue to leverage what we’ve learned
about contribution, well-being, trauma informed practices, and inclusion as we create quality
learning for our students. Please contact your school if you have any questions.


Dr. Jerry Lewis, Superintendent